
Sapphire Blue Granite

Sapphire Blue Granite has a predominant fascinating deep blue color, just like a sapphire with flakes of black and brown shades. Sapphire Blue is an attractive, consistent granite that has brown and grey wedges. This stone looks great, whether used to match blacker elements in an area or contrast lighter elements. The stone is also adamant. There is, without any doubt, that Sapphire Blue is a stone of unbelievable quality. Despite this, its name is slightly deceiving. Its rich and luxurious navy blue-grey bedrock is far from a disappointment, and there is no doubt that its name evokes images of a marine-colored stone. 

It’s a durable granite popular for kitchen countertops or bathroom vanity tops.

It will work well as kitchen countertops, fireplace surround, bar top, bathroom vanity tops, backsplash, and outdoor surfaces. No matter where you fit it, Sapphire Blue is one of the gorgeous natural stone materials that you will discover. Sapphire Blue will stand up to the wear and tear that it will face in various parts of the house. 

Considering the magnificence, sturdiness, and various other profits you will receive from Sapphire Blue granite, it is a great option for any house location. In reality, Sapphire Blue is much more adaptable. It’s medium to dark bedrock with subtle blue crystals as well as translucent quartz, which, as the light shines through, hints at the stone’s blueness. This intoxicatingly dark stone is wild and irregular, how granite should be. 

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